Hiya all ,
just another quick note ... my mother is still the same , no progress .. and now my dad has a double pneumonia , so he has to stay also in the hospital ....
There is also a flu epidemie in that hospital... so i think soon it will be my turn to get sick ..
I really miss reading all your blogs and as soon as my parents are a bit better i will catch up everything !!!
Thanks for reading !!
hugs, Patti
zaterdag 27 december 2008
maandag 22 december 2008

Finally i had some time and inspiration to make some ATC's again ... I always like to experimant with different backgrounds and colors .. I made these 3 ATC's with the same stamp, but on completely different backgrounds ...
The one on the top is made withe the bleeding tissue technique ..
the one in the middle with Ranger's alcoholink,
and the one on the bottom with Liquid Watercolor ... the spots that you see are a golden shimmering, but like usual the scanner won't show it ..
The stamp I used is a wonderful stamp from Artistic Outpost ..
So, now i am off to the hospital again ...
thanks for looking,
hugs, Patti
woensdag 17 december 2008
New socks
My mom is still the same .. i am going to the hospital allmost 2 times daily , so i still haven't the time and energie to go to my craftcave ...
Also i want to apologize that i don't have time to visit all of your blogs , and i really miss that !!!
The only thing i did was finishing my socks ... and that is another problem , they're so comfy that i never want factory made socks anymore , so i have to knit socks all the rest of my life .. lmao
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
zondag 14 december 2008
ATC swap december
vrijdag 12 december 2008
Online workshop

Thanks so much for all your support and good wishes for mom ... she is still in the hospital and she is a wee, wee bit better ..
A few days ago i followed an online workshop by Stampingback, they learned us how to mask properly and coloring ... I used Ranger's distressinks and all stamps are from Stampingback ..
Everybody used cute lil girls to wear the crown , but i just had to use el Che ...lol..
The card isn't perfect, but at least I had some fun and learned a lot !! btw ... the blue isn't that bright but the scanner didn't want to do what I wanted ... as usual !!
Thanks for looking !
hugs, Patti
zaterdag 6 december 2008
Just a note
Just a note to tell you all that i won't be here for a few days , i hope ...
Yesterday they took my mom to the hospital, to the IC , and you can understand that i want to be there as much as i can !!
Hope to see you all back soon, with good news !!!
hugs, Patti
Yesterday they took my mom to the hospital, to the IC , and you can understand that i want to be there as much as i can !!
Hope to see you all back soon, with good news !!!
hugs, Patti
donderdag 4 december 2008
Another award

After more then 2 days without webconnection... aarrcchhh , i can finally upload the award that Femmy gave me ... Thank you so much Femmy , i do apreciate it !!
This award invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers, who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”i am going to pass it on to
* Mel
* Jo
* Edgar
* Sandra
A very difficult choice because all your blogs are worth it !!!!
For the rest i can tell you that i am busy with my second pair of socks ... OMG , I completely forgot how I made the first pair , so I have to learn it all over again .. LOL
hugs, Patti
vrijdag 28 november 2008
Another X-mas card
donderdag 27 november 2008
A card with Hermine's stamp

First i want to wish all my friends a very Happy Thanksgiving !!!
Hermine published an amazing book about stamping and with the book you get a wonderful rubber stamp .. Ofcourse i had to try the stamp :-)
Used inks are liquid watercolor Colorbox chalkink and StazOn , stamp is from Hermine .. backgroundstamps are from I brake for Stamps..
Thanks for looking !
hugs, Patti
zaterdag 22 november 2008
X-mas cards

Actually i am not really in the mood for making x-mas cards , but when i saw this wonderful stamp from Artistic Outpost , i couldn't resist ...
The burgundy-pink one is made with alcoholink , and the other two are made with liquid watercolors ..all off them are having a bit of a metallic shining, but the scan doesn't show again .. Swirls are gold-embossed..
The Ave Maria stamp is from Artistic Outpost , alcoholink from Ranger , Swirl stamp and liquid watercolors are from StampingBack
Thanks for looking !!
Hugs, Patti
donderdag 20 november 2008
OMG a stitching finish !!
With all those fantastic cardchallenges in blogland i really neglected my stitching and knitting ..
but at least i finished one lavendersachet ...
I stitched it on 32 count Belfast with DMC perle #8 and Caron's Waterlillies .
On the backside I just sewed a lil piece of quiltingfabric and stuffed it with dried lavender .. I love that smell !!
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
zondag 16 november 2008
vrijdag 14 november 2008
Pretty for Mum

On Crafty Creations , the challenge for this week is to make a pretty card for our mum..... As my mum doesn't like my weird stamped cards very much , I decided to make something else .. and what is the one and only way to decribe what i feel for my mum ?? yes , Love !!!
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
donderdag 13 november 2008
woensdag 12 november 2008
ATC swap november

This month my swap partner on the Yahoogroup Stampingfantasy was Joke S
We agreed to swap 3 ATC's with differen backgroundtechniques ...
This are the ATC's i have send to her , hope she likes them ....

And those wonderful ATC's she did send me .... I just love them !!! Sorry for the blurry scan , but she used thick embellishments .....
Thanks for looking !
hugs, Patti
An Award .... yippieeee
zaterdag 8 november 2008
Simple things

Hiya all .
On Stamp Something there is a challenge to make a card with just one single layer of cardstock ..
This is my entrance .. the background is made with Ranger's alcoholinks and the stamps are from Tim Holz ...
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
vrijdag 7 november 2008
I've been tagged
Hiya ,
I've been tagged by Cindy ....OMG! I have to tell 6 random things about myself ..LOL
Okey here I go
1. My biggest dream is to emigrate and live in Chile ..
2. When i was young i have been in jail several times and i am proud of it !! ( no, i didn't kill someone:-))
3. I have over 25 shirts with an image of Che Guevara ... is that an obsession ? :-)
4. I can't bear the sight, smell or touch raw meat .. yuckkk
5. My favo book and movie are La casa de espiritus from Isabel Allende..
6. I allways think other peoples artwork is better then mine ...
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
The people I have tagged so far are:
1 Sandra
2 Caroke
3 Carol
4 Beth
5 An
6 Caroline
Enjoy it girls !:-)
hugs, Patti
I've been tagged by Cindy ....OMG! I have to tell 6 random things about myself ..LOL
Okey here I go
1. My biggest dream is to emigrate and live in Chile ..
2. When i was young i have been in jail several times and i am proud of it !! ( no, i didn't kill someone:-))
3. I have over 25 shirts with an image of Che Guevara ... is that an obsession ? :-)
4. I can't bear the sight, smell or touch raw meat .. yuckkk
5. My favo book and movie are La casa de espiritus from Isabel Allende..
6. I allways think other peoples artwork is better then mine ...
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
The people I have tagged so far are:
1 Sandra
2 Caroke
3 Carol
4 Beth
5 An
6 Caroline
Enjoy it girls !:-)
hugs, Patti
donderdag 30 oktober 2008
Simple cards

Yesterday, my stampingpal Sandra was here , and she let me play with her new stamps :-) Besides a lot of chatting and gossiping , I managed to make those 2 simple cards ....

The cards were stamped first wit StazOn , stamps are from Stamping Up, then I brayered all kind of colors over it , sprayed water over it and dried it with kitchenpaper ..
Thanks for dropping by !!
Hugs, Patti
dinsdag 28 oktober 2008
Dawn's wee challenge and blogcandy
Dawn made us a challenge with some mysterious blogcandy , she wants to see our craftroom , a face by a name and our helpful furbabies :-)
As I told you all before , I just moved so my craftcave isn't ready yet , I still have to unpack some boxes , there are no decorations on the wall yet , no mess on the floor ... but I asked my DB to take a pic anyway ..
Next year , i will take a pic again , so you can see the difference... lmao !!!!
Dawn, congrats with the 20.000 visitors !!!
hugs, Patti
*note* the room isn't huge ... about 3 by 3.5 yards , but because it isn't a mess yet , it just looks big ..LOL
zondag 26 oktober 2008
Blog candy
Juliet has some amazing blog candy , because her blog has reached 10.000 visitors...
Go and cheque out her fantastic blog !!
hugs, Patti
Go and cheque out her fantastic blog !!
hugs, Patti
vrijdag 24 oktober 2008
ATC swap october

Today i received the ATC swap from october from the Yahoogroup StampingFantasy ,...
This month my partner was Willy and we agreed to have the theme "Man"
This is what she has send me , and I love them .... specially ofcaurse the one with el Comandante Che Guevara , coz he has been my hero all my life !!!!

thanks for dropping by ..
hugs, Patti
zaterdag 18 oktober 2008
Back online
finally I have webconnection again !!! Please don't talk me about the moving.. it was a complete disaster and we are still sitting in a mess.
The one and only thing what I did during all those time was finishing my socks .. here they are ... I love them !!
The second pair of socks are on the needles , I think I have a new addiction !! :)
hugs, Patti
zondag 14 september 2008
Last blog for the moment ...

Hiya all my blogfriends ,
First of all, I am soooooo sorry that I still can't find the time to visit all your blogs !!!
Yes I am still busy moving .... tonight or tomorrow morning they will cut our webconnection , and i hope it won't be for long, but you never know...
Yesterday while I was searching for something, I found this card which I completely forgot to show ...
I made it again with a Ranger's alcoholink spin & splash background and all stamps are from StampingBack .
Thanks for looking and I hope to be back here very soon !!!!
hugs, Patti
woensdag 10 september 2008
Another spin & splash

Hiya all
Little by little all my stuff disssapears in boxes , so I can't create a lot anymore , just cleaning up the place ... yuckkkkkkkk
Tomorrow we will get the key , so I can start cleaning in the new place .... yuckkkk LOL
This card again is made from a spin & splash , I used Ranger's alcoholink for it .. the woman's stamp is from Paper Artsey, the embossed one from Stampers Anonymous and the sea anemone is from StampingBack
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
zondag 7 september 2008
ATC swap september

Hiya all ,
Yesterday I received my monthly ATC swap from StampingFantasy , this month my partner was Herma F ....... Look what she has send me , I love those ATC's !!!

I am so sorry that I don't visit all your blogs every day now, but I am still very busy with the moving ..... hope you all can understand ....
Thanks for dropping by !!
hugs, Patti
woensdag 3 september 2008
The beginning
Hiya all ,
The Stitch and Bitch evening , yesterday, was great fun again !! I started with my very first socks and OMG I never felt more clumsy before !!! I really didn't know how to handle those 5 tiny needles , LOL !!! ( and I still don't know)
To avoid a second sock syndrome I also started the second one , but now I have to put them away till next week , and continue putting all my stuff in boxes....
Thanks for looking,
hugs, Patti
maandag 1 september 2008
zondag 31 augustus 2008
Fallen Angel

Some people were asking me , why I never enter the weekly stamping and mixed media challenges ... I don't know what's wrong , but every time when i say to myself .... tomorrow I am gonna make something for one of the challenges .... then my muse is telling me to make something different ...LOL..
For this card I used Ranger's alcoholink for the spin and splash , the man stamp is from Non Sequitor , Wings stamp unknown and that round "thing" is from StampinBack stamps ...
Yes I know that round thing isn't exactly in the middle , but I was too lazy to use my stamping ruler !:-)
Thanks for looking,
hugs, Patti
woensdag 27 augustus 2008
A new Challenge / Turkisch folk socks
First of all I want to thank you all for the supportive comments on my moving !! I really can use them , OMG, I didn't know i have such a mountains of stash , i don't know where to begin with packing !! :-) But on the other side , i can't wait to get my very own craftroom ......woohoo !!!
Yes, i want to learn to knit socks . the sockvirus got me too !:-) I know how to knit, but I never knitted a real sock before , but I take the challenge !!!
A long time ago I knitted those Turkish socks , they are easy and fun to make ! I also used them for folkdancing , but it is such a long time ago that even I forgot how to knit them... LOL..
While (folk)dancing you wear those socks with handmade leather shoes , very comfortable .

For the moment I can't find my old folkdance shoes , so I stole a pic from a magazine in which my Turkish socks were published ..... The pic is from the magazine , but it still are my feet :-))
(the magazine in which they published my turkish knitting is Handwerken zonder grenzen , issue # 5/1989 )
Thanks for looking,
hugs, Patti
maandag 25 augustus 2008
Just a card ...
Monthly ATC swap
zondag 24 augustus 2008
More Blog Candy
Dawn a a great guessing game and you can win fabulous blog candy !! Go and take a look at her blog !!
hugs, Patti
hugs, Patti
Blog candy
Hi, Take a look at Ariane's Blog , she has a wonderful generous blog candy !!
Hope you all have a wonderful sunday,
hugs, Patti
Hope you all have a wonderful sunday,
hugs, Patti
woensdag 20 augustus 2008
Stitch 'n Bitch and moving
Hiya all ,
Yesterday I went to my first Stitch 'n Bitch meeting and I really had a great time ... finally i was in the middle of very kind people who shared the same intrest and who didn't say that knitting is something for old people !! I saw the most yummie yarns and beautiful knittings ... For dure I go again , next week !!!
They offered us a new appartment , a lot bigger and better then we have now , so we accepted ! This means that the next weeks I won't be blogging as much , because I have to sort out all my mess , to pack it .. lots of cleaning and you know all that kinda stuff ..
Thanks for looking .
hugs, Patti
zondag 17 augustus 2008
Ornament SAL
Hiya everybody , Thanks again for all your sweet comments !!!
Those ornaments I stitched for the monthly ornament SAL on an international Yahoo stitching group ... Both are stitched on 32 count linen with 2 strands of Needle Necessities and ofcourse I had to add some Mill Hill beads :-)
Thanks for looking,
hugs, Patti
zaterdag 16 augustus 2008
woensdag 13 augustus 2008
Blogging Friends Forever Award
Woww, Thank you so much Carol, for giving me this award , it sure means a lot to me !!! And your blog has given me so much inspiration , I am really happy with this award !!!
Here are the rules:
1. Only five people allowed
2. 4 of them have to be dedicated followers of your blog and 1 has to be new and live in another part of the world.
3. You have to link back to who gave you the award.
1. First I want to give it to my best stampingpal Sandra who is also pretty new in Blogland...
2. The one and only Tootie , my overseas Blogpal who gave me the last push to start my own blog ..
3. My stamping guru Hermine , she is one of the persons that made me a rubber stamp addict :-)
4. One of my stitchingbuddies Beth ... we both love overdied purple silks :-)
5. And finally another stitchingbuddy , Carin, i found her back after years, thanks to Blogland !!
Hope you enjoy !!
hugs, Patti

1. Only five people allowed
2. 4 of them have to be dedicated followers of your blog and 1 has to be new and live in another part of the world.
3. You have to link back to who gave you the award.
1. First I want to give it to my best stampingpal Sandra who is also pretty new in Blogland...
2. The one and only Tootie , my overseas Blogpal who gave me the last push to start my own blog ..
3. My stamping guru Hermine , she is one of the persons that made me a rubber stamp addict :-)
4. One of my stitchingbuddies Beth ... we both love overdied purple silks :-)
5. And finally another stitchingbuddy , Carin, i found her back after years, thanks to Blogland !!
Hope you enjoy !!
hugs, Patti
maandag 11 augustus 2008
Spin and Splashcard
zaterdag 9 augustus 2008
More background stash

This card I made with Ranger's alcoholink on glossy papers ....
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend !!
hugs, Patti
vrijdag 8 augustus 2008
Bleeding Tissue and Blogproblems

Hiya all .
The last days I've been knitting a lot , but with 179 stitches on the needles you don't see much progress...sigh.... wonder when that sweater will be ready ...
Today I have been making some Bleeding Tissue backgrounds for my stash .. soon they will be cards or ATC's ...
Sorry, if I didn't visit you blogs lately , but I have some problems with Blogger .... As you can see I divided my blogroll in 3 sections .. stamping, stitching and knitting , and all the time part of it is gone !!! Can somebody please help me with it . what am I doing wrong ?????
hugs, Patti
dinsdag 5 augustus 2008
Stamping and chatting

Hiya everybody ,
Today my stampingpal Sandra came over , we had great intentions to do a lot of stamping , but actually we were spending more time with chatting :-)
At least I managed to finish one card , it is simple , but I like it ... I don't know what's wrong with my scanner but the little flower isn't that bright !!
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti
maandag 4 augustus 2008

Hi everyone !! Today i was messing around in my stash again and found a Hardanger Ufo , I completely forgot I ever started it , LOL !! I am (was) making it on 32 count linen with caron's Wildflowers and DMC perle cotton #12 , maybe one of these days i am gonna work on it again .. I also found another one on 40 count .... but I think even with glasses i don't see it anymore ... blah... aging :-(
I learned Hardanger all by myself with the books from Janice Love ... In my eyes she is the best teacher for Hardanger !!!

I also found those 2 doilies .... don't know if I am ever gonna use them ... The yellow one is made on soft yellow 32 Belfast linen with Caron's Wildflowers and Waterlilies ....

This blue one is also made on 32 count Belfast with DMC perle cotton #8 and Caron's Waterlilies ... I really think soon i am going to do some Hardangerstitching again ......
Thanks for looking, hugs, Patti

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