Hiya girlz ,
Yes, almost winter , my feet are cold again ( and the rest of my body too , lol ) so time to take the knitting needles out of the dust :-))
The blue socks for DB , a real boring color , I started a long time ago .... Thanks goodness he loves handknitted socks so much now , that he doesn't care about the color anymore .. with the next socks I (!!!) can pick the color *grins*
The other socks are a pair of monkeys for myself , i think , the wool is Araucania , coming all the way from Chile ..... very weird if you know that in Chile most people are too poor to buy this kinda yarns .. if they can afford to buy yarn, they buy the most cheapest acryl ..
The sweater I started ( a hell of a job ) is from Drops delight , a wonderful colored yarn, but not relaxing to knit ... the tread is twined very loose, so half of the time , i stick with the neeldle in the yarn ..
Dunno if the weater this year will be finished :-))
Thanks for looking !!
hugs, Patti