Woot Woot , The very talented and sweet Dawn gave me 2 awards ... Thanks soooooo much Dawn , I love them !!!
Check this out - is it not just the cutest award ever!!! Yes, at least to me he is , I am completly in love with this cutie !! It is given in appreciation of your lovely and witty comments and for always knowing the right thing to say at the right time....just how nice is that!
A great way to give someone a hug that you've never met but who means something special to you. Pass it on to 10 others.....

This Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 5 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week. It’s a great way to show these people that you appreciate them.I am passing both these awards on to some special lovelies who always make me smile, who always have words of encouragement for me and who visit me often.......So here we go... Mel , Jan , Tootie , Carol , Staci , Caro , An , Beth , Angeli and Sandra ..
Enjoy it girlzzzz :-)
hugs, Patti
8 opmerkingen:
hartelijk bedankt voor deze award patty.
ik ben er erg trots op.
het is toevallig dat ik dezelfde voor jou heb staan op mijn blog.
je maakt ook prachtige dingen en breien kan je als de beste.ik weet niet of je de award op wilt halen omdat je dezelfde al had.
Oh you sweetheart - thank you!! Thank you also for always being so supportive of my blog.
O, wat een lieve verrassing, hartelijk dank voor de awards! Zoals je gezien zal hebben zijn het mijn eerste dus ik ben apetrots!
Congrats on your well-deserved awards! And thank you so much for passing them on to me...I really appreciate it :) {{hugs}}
Proficiat met je awards!!
Well thank you sweet Patti! I appreciate the award and I'll proudly display it on my blog!
Wat leuk, Pat, bedankt !!!!!!!
awww..how sweet patti! HUGZ
and thank you so much, too for all the wonderful compliments you leave on my blog ~ so appreciated
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