Hiya girls ,
I have been tagged again by Irene .. I am supposed to show you the 4th pic from the 4th folder on my pc ..
This pic was made in nov 2006 on my trip to Chile , I just travelled about 36 hours ( 20 in plane 4 hours at Schiphol, 6 hours at a transfer in Sao Paulo, Brasil, and 3 hours at Santiago de Chile airport and 2 hours in a bus ) , and you can see it on my face.. lol ... The pic was taken in de bus terminal in Valparaiso where I was waiting for a taxi to get me finally to my destination ....
OMG... I wish I was there again !!!!!!
So now I am gonna tag 4 other bloggers ...
Enjoy :-)
hugs, Patti
5 opmerkingen:
OOh wow that was some journey!!
thanks for the tag Patti!!
Airports and bus stations are the WORST places when you are tired and having to wait around. You certainly look as though you've had enough!
Should have taken your knitting with you LOL - incidentally how many pairs of socks do you have NOW?!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog x
Amai, dat was wel een lange reis. Zeker en vast heel vermoeiend! Leuke foto!
LOL - that was weird!
veel geleerd
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